Chi Machine Physiology

The Spine
Without a healthy spine life can be a painful experience. The spine is very mobile, permitting a wide range of forward, backward, side-to-side and twisting movements. These movements are possible because there are small, freely moveable joints between the laminae of the vertibrae.

However, we we fail to exercise these movements fully, and for the most spinal movements are restricted to forwards and backwards. The stress of mind creates body tension and rigidity, and even in walking, the natural twisting - sideways movement of the spine from arm, leg and upper torso momentum, is restrained by body tensions. When we awaken or feel tired, we raise our arms, stretch and yawn, and in the process, flex the spinal column in a twisting, snake-like movement.

We instantly feel a pleasurable sensation of energy movement and alertness of mind. The reason being that in yawning, the lungs fill with air and greater oxygenation occurs, pressure on the intervertebral discs momentarily releases and the autonomic nervous system is stimulated. (Do a 'yawning stretch' now to verify the value of such oxygenation and spinal twist).

Chi Machine

It is said that 80% of chronic disease problems are linked to the spine

Chi Machine spine diagram

Cervical Vertebraee:
Migraine, insomnia, dizziness, amnesia, numbness in facial nerves, ear inflammation, ringing in the ears, high blood pressure, tonsillitis, cataracts, myopia, sore throat.

Thoracic Vertebrae: Swelling thyroid, hardened neck muscles, stiff neck, pain in upper body nerves, numbness, lack of strength, tracheal inflammation, asthma, heart disease, liver disease, decreased stomach function, diabetes, allergies, inflamed kidneys, arthritis, rheumatism, hardening of the arteries, system formation, apoplexy, decreased immune system function.

Lumber Vertebrae: Constipation, dysentry, hernia, varicose veins, period pains, sciatica, painful knees, difficulty in urinating, too frequent urination, weak legs, painful soles of feet, uraemia.

Sacrum Vertebrae: Different leg lengths, bladder inflammation, tilted uterus, inflammation of the caecum, haemorrhoids, difficulty in getting pregnant.

Coccygeal Vertebrae: Painful tailbone.
The Sun Ancon (Sun Harmony) Massager 'The Chi Machine will deliver the best possible lateral 'snake-like' movement to the spine with the body in the ideal theraputic position

The Blood
Blood is a very active tissue. It carries nutrients, oxygen, hormones, waste products and anti-bodies from one organ to another. It connects to different parts of the body and is therefore called a connective tissue. The blood circulates from the heart via the arteries to the capillaries and back to the heart via the veins. As we get older we have the threat of arteriosclerosis where there is a hardening or narrowing of the muscular wall of the artery, limiting the flow of blood to the part it supplies. This is often the lower limb and can cause severe pain on walking.

The pain is due to oxygen starvation of the tissues.
The ailment most closely associated with arteriosclerosis is hypertension. Constant high blood-pressure worsens the conditions of arteriosclerosis. During this period the blood vessels will gradualy lose their elasticity. Therefore a slightly higher blood pressure should not be taken lightly. Based on the definition given by the World Health Organisation, the normal blood pressure for adults is 140/90mmHg. Over the thresh-hold of 160/95mmHg is considered to be hypertension. Bordering between the two is refered to as parameter hypertension.

Hypertension is a common ailment which is often neglected. Without proper treatment and care, cerebral stroke can easily occur. Hypertension patients are also more prone to coronary thrombosis and kidney failure than the general public. Patients suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular diseases should not do vigorous exercises. But exercise is still essential.

Exercise with the 'Chi Machine' is highly recommended
Aerobic exercise with the 'Chi Machine' will neither increase the heart-beat nor the blood pressure significantly. The massage given to the body by the 'Chi Machine' not only increases the elasticity of blood vessels to prevent their hardening but also helps stabilise blood pressure.

The Autonomic Nervous System
The disease without a name - Imbalance of the autonomic nervous system
The Autonomic Nervous System Among modern diseases, there is one that is referred to as 'Imbalance of the Autonomic Nervous System'. Repeated hospital examinations often reveal no specific irregularity which renders the patients' suffering incomprehensible to them and they are often frequently accused of hypochondria. Imbalance of the Autonomic Nervous System is not fully understood and it is often treated as a pretend disease.

The automatic nervous system is mainly concerned with keeping up the automatic functions, without deliberate mental or other effort on our part, of organs such as the heart, lungs, stomach, intestine, bladder, sex organs and blood vessels. It consists entirely of motor nerves arranged in relays from the spinal cord to the various muscles.

There are two parts to the autonomic nervous system. The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system. The autonomic nerve cells are situated in the brain stem and the spinal cord and is controlled by an area of the brain called the hypothalamus. The sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems have opposing effects on the body and provide a vital balance. Any impairment to the spinal alignment or abnormal spinal pressure on the vertebrae can result in minor and major body dysfunction, disorder and disease. The spinal column bone marrow is also a source of blood production and immune system globulin upon which middle aged adults are more dependent, following depletion of globulin production from the 'aged' and shrinking thymus gland.

The sympathetic nervous system has the effect of increasing body activity and speeds it up whereas the parasympathetic slows down body activity. It has been maintained that the sympathetic system provides for today's work and that it's action increases when involved with physical activity whereas the parasympathetic looks after tomorrow, being mainly concerned with changes that take place during rest. From this description you can see why it is important to balance the autonomic nervous system and using 'The Chi Machine' on a daily basis enhances this balance.