Chi Machine Use

Chi MachineUsing The Chi Machine
Simply lie on a firm surface, place your feet on the machine and relax. Set the timer and enjoy the sensations.

"Whenever I get the urge to exercise, I lie down until it passes off."
G. K. Chesterton

Now you can lie down and let it pass off using The Chi Machine!

Observing some simple guidelines will ensure you gain the best from your Chi Machine.

Do Not Use The Chi Machine...

  • for one hour after eating a heavy meal, and half an hour after a light meal
  • within three months of surgery or bone fracture
  • if suffering from open wounds or infections
  • with serious heart disease (unable to walk)
  • during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Massage Session Periods
In the first instance of receiving your machine there may be a tendency to risk giving yourself a longer time on it than that recommended. This can be very detrimental to your health and in this case little is better than more! If you follow the instruction and gradually increase your time on the massager you will find the benefits will build up.

If over 55 years of age, limit sessions to 2 to 5 minute periods daily. If no discomfort is experienced, sessions can be extended from 5 to 10 minutes the second week and then to the normal session time of 15 minutes in the third week.

Those under 55 years of age should initially do 5 minutes each session daily but can readily increase to 15 minutes at their own discretion if no discomfort is experienced.

There is no limit to the daily session other than those mentioned above, or to using the full range of the 'timer' setting, but it is recommended that a reasonable break be given between sessions.

If you are on medication and you are given the dosage of 2 tablets daily and you did not feel they were working and increased your dosage to 10 tablets you would expect an overdose situation. It is the same with 'The Chi Machine'.

Getting Started
Place 'The Chi Machine' on a firm surface with the handle facing away from you. Plug the massager into the electricity supply. Remove any tight clothing, spectacles, watches, shoes and any other items which will cause you discomfort.

Have some pillows nearby in case you need them to put under your knees or other body parts if your movement is restricted badly. Naturally it is much better to do without support and gradually as you begin to benefit from 'The Chi Machine' you will not need these supports. From the outset it is best NOT to place a pillow under the head. This could interfere with the body height in relationship to the machine height. A light cover is sometimes useful because as you relax the body temperature can drop and you may feel a little cool.

Before you start your machine you will need to drink a glass of water. This is important. Why the water? Water is the medium that carries the 'Chi' around the body and acts as a clearing tool and the water takes the oxygen to the organs, as you pass more water you detox your system. At the end of your session another glass of water is taken to continue the process.

Set your timer and relax allowing the mind to find a quiet place, you can imagine you are standing in the Rockies looking at the beautiful scene above, as you begin to deepen your breathing. You may wish to play some relaxing music as you enjoy the gentle massage received as the ankle rest rocks back and forth moving your body in a gentle gold fish like movement from the feet upwards to the top of your head.

When the timer automatically stops the massager, you stay where you are. You may feel the rush of Chi moving around your body as a tingling from head to toe or you may feel very peaceful. It is in this stillness at the end of the movement you will gain added benefits because 40% of the treatment is while the machine is moving and 60% in the moments after. When The Chi rush has finished or you have lain quietly for some moments place your feet on the floor as near your buttocks as possible with the feet close together. The knees will be at an 45 degree angle, again after a few moments of inertia let the knees fall to one side then gently to the other, keeping the hips on the floor. Do this for approximately six times each side, more if your prefer, then take your time in returning to a standing position by rolling over on your side. Don't forget to drink your water!

A full instructions for use leaflet will be supplied on purchase of the machine.

There are three positions recommended for 'The Chi Machine'. Try experimenting but remember, always make sure that you are comfortable and as relaxed as possible.

Chi MachineThe Neutral Position
Lie with your arms relaxed by your sides at about a 45 degree angle. This position is particularly good for the release of tension, mood balancing, insomnia, internal organ discomfort, constipation and lower back problems.



Chi MachineThe Mid Position
Place both hands under your head with fingers clasped. This position exaggerates the curves of the spine and will impart a stronger motion to the spinal column. Good for migraines, headaches, misaligned spine, backache, gout and arthritis..


Chi MachineThe Stretched Back Position
Stretch both arms above your head keeping than as straight as possible. (you may want to place a pillow under the arms to start with). This position puts a stretch through the whole body and can help weight loss, muscle toning, to relieve shoulder tendonitis, muscle tension and upper back tension.


The Chi Machine provides the answer to being healthy without energy loss, body stress or effort!
Most people experience a deep sense of relaxation during the massage and a pleasurable to exhilarating feeling following the massage.

Some may feel tired or sore in some area. This may suggest a healthy circulation is being restored. Soreness might also relate to an old injury or 'Chi' energy flow blockage. If soreness occurs reduce session time to 2-3 minutes and gradually return to 15 minutes massage once soreness ceases.

In June 2000 a large scale clinical trial began at Flinders University Medical Centre, Adelaide, Australia, looking into the effect of using the Sun Ancon Chi Machine with sufferers of secondary lymphoedema and venous oedema.  The research was conducted by Professor Neil Piller, a specialist lymphologist, with the help of his professional team.

A patient suffering from secondary lymphoedema using the Chi Machine with Professor Piller and Research Officer Ms Amanda Moseley in attendance.

The results were released in January 2002 and we are pleased to report that they are very positive.  
Secondary lymphoedema is characterised by the swelling of the leg(s). It occurs in men following surgery and/or radiotherapy for the treatment of bowel and prostate cancer and in women following bowel, breast cervical and other reproductive system cancers, where the treatment damages or removes the lymph nodes.  About 30% of all men and women who have these treatments develop some sort of limb swelling. It is believed that another 30% of these patients have problems such as aches/pain, heaviness and problems with quality of life and activities of daily living. 

Venous oedema occurs when the venous blood system is not draining and/or circulating well as a result of venous insufficiency from disease, varicose veins or previous deep vein thrombosis.  It is estimated about 5-6% of the adult population suffer venous oedema.  A further number suffer from some discomfort of the limbs or problems with quality of life and activities of daily living.

Each patient was allocated a Sun Ancon Chi Machine which they used for 21 days in their home adhering to a particular regime:

Days 1-2, 5 minutes both morning and evening, Days 3-7 8 minutes both morning and evening, Days 8-21: 12 minutes both morning and evening.  Patients returned to Flinders University Medical Centre at the end of each week for a further full assessment.  In addition there was a follow-up assessment one month later to assess the longer term impact of the treatment.  The research encompassed three groups -- a group made up of people with normal healthy legs, a group of people with secondary lymphoedema a group with venous oedema. 

In brief, the results were as follows:

For people without any medical problems...

  • A slight reduction in fluids in the limbs The group experienced a reduction of 45 mls in fluids over the three week period.
  • A reduction in weight The group lost an average of 0.6 kg over three weeks.
  • A reduction in percentage body fat.

For people with secondary lymphoedema due to lymphatic damage and those with venous oedema through venous insufficiency...

  • A significant reduction the limb volume and circumference. Extra-cellular fluid for the group with secondary lymphoedema fell over the three week period. One month after the trial the fluids had risen but not back to their original levels.
  • A significant loss of oedema fluid from the limbs. The group with venous oedema experienced an average volume loss of 440 mls of leg fluid over the three-week period. Fluid levels had increased one month after the trials but they were not back to their original levels.
  • A significant loss of weight Average weight loss for the group with venous oedema was 1.45 kgs over the three week period. This remained stable at the one month follow up. Of those with secondary lymphoedema, average weight loss was 0.5 kgs and this remained stable at the one month follow up.
  • A reduction in percentage body fat
  • An improvement in lymphatic drainage Lymphoscintigraphy showed a marked improvement in lymphatic function.
  • A significant improvement in subjective symptoms Most participants reported a reduction in pain, tightness, heaviness, skin dryness, limb size difference, cramps, pins and needles, burning feeling and temperature difference.
  • A satisfaction with the treatment an improvement in the quality of life.

85-88% of participants were satisfied with the treatment regime.  There were also improvements with the feeling of control participants had over their condition, range of movement, positive impact on daily life and an increase in the ability to exercise. Included in the results presented below are the findings from 33 chronic lymphoedema sufferers and 25 with venous oedema.

Changes in Quality of Life and Activities of Daily Living (% showing improvement)

Venous Oedema
Range of movement
Increase in ability to exercise
Walking up/down stairs
Improvement in sleeping
Easier to get dressed
Positive impact on daily life
Decrease in depression associated with condition
Satisfaction with treatment regime
Feeling of control over condition

Other improvements reported by the overall group:

Shoes felt looser 34%, higher energy levels 10%, greater flexibility 12%, more relaxed 24%, feeling of wellbeing 16%, reduced abdominal congestion 7% and improved shape of limb 26%.

Please ask for further details.