Welcome to
D-Stress & Go (UK) Ltd.
D-Stress & Go…say RELAX
With years of experience in various corporate sectors, we currently provide: Companies, Exhibitions, Conferences, Launches and Events with our On-Site Massage Services.
At D-Stress & Go we specialise in the art of 'Stress Management via Massage' and actively promote our top three stress busting massage therapies Indian Head Massage, Seated Acupressure Massage and Reflexology which are specifically designed to combat against stress and fatigue in a busy work place environment. These non-intrusive therapies are performed through clothing in our recommended 20, 40 or 60 minute sessions!
90% of absenteeism is due to STRESS!
Having weekly/monthly D-Stress & Go sessions, will help you take care of "how to manage stress in the workplace". Stress is the main contributor to long term absenteeism, a costly and non productive situation, but easily remedied.
Our On-Site Massage therapists are Professional, fully qualified, uniformed and insured with qualifications from ITEC the International Therapy Examination Council ITEC and other relevant governing bodies.
D-Stress & Go abide by Health & Safety Standards.
We can visit you at any UK and Worldwide destination.
Email: info@dstress.co.uk
Web: www.dstress.co.uk